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Who The Hell Are We?

Jul 31, 2020

The roof falls in on Melanie; Ed makes a Koren fried chicken run; TO EACH HIS OWN starring Olivia de Havilland from 1946 receives the Mel & Ed treatment.

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Jul 26, 2020

Melanie and Ed are back after taking last week off.  Melanie drove to see her Covidboy in Colorado, Ed wrote and practiced his cello!

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Jul 10, 2020

Still recording from home, Melanie and Ed talk house porn, discuss 1949's White Heat starring James Cagney, and books about mother issues.  Also, COVID strikes close to home.

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Jul 3, 2020

Melanie and Ed discuss Douglas Sirk's 1954 movie starring Jane Wyman and Rock Hudson, and recommend books with a spirituality theme. Melanie also takes a road trip!

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